Глава 5 - For saving your time
Presume that offworlder’s not known to a reader,
Thus it is unclear and spoils the poem.
And PA_s_ are written because of „key-worker_s_”!
For saving your time while talking to mockers (1).
Ответы на любые вопросы вы, возможно, найдете в Главе 0 - Пролог (http://www.stihi.ru/2014/03/21/8708).
(1) - mocker (в переводе с англ. "насмешник", часто применяется к критикам).
Предыдущая ГЛАВА - ГЛАВА 4 - Стих неплохой - http://www.stihi.ru/2014/04/09/3820
Следующая ГЛАВА - ГЛАВА 6 - В своей судьбе я многое уже оттанцевал - http://www.stihi.ru/2014/11/12/6821
2012/12/8 15:51, Море <море@gmail.com> wrote:
Новая морская коррекция небольшого поэтического па Ведической Балерины из Главы 4 (http://www.stihi.ru/2014/04/09/3820):
While staying in shelter like on а vacation,
And seeing key-workers as helpful PAs,
Or finding your blessings in tough situations,
You’ve got to enjoy your role in life’s play.
Remember, your happiness’s truly an Art,
‘Cause angels don’t owe you their wings on the shoulders…
True feeling of beauty is only in hearts,
In souls and the eyes of devoted beholders.
Предыдущая морская коррекция (из Главы 4):
While staying in shelter due to the vocation,
And seeing a key-worker as helpful PA,
Or finding your blessings in tough situations
Remember enjoying your role in life’s play,
As well as your happiness is truly art
Which’s known to passionate silent offwordler -
And perfomance’s beauty is only in hearts
In souls and the eyes of devoted beholders.
From: Ведическая Балерина [в.б@gmail.com]
Sent: Saturday, December 08, 2012 18:15
To: Море
Subject: Re: You can try this wingy wine of truth ;)
Thank you for your contribution!
Your version has been approved!
However for me it is not a solution
"offworlder" the word cannot be removed!!!!!
И если честно - я не поняла 6-ую строчку.. PA - personal assistant - зачем Ты «s» там приставило????
2012/12/08 18:52 Море <море@gmail.com> wrote:
Presume that offworlder’s not known to a reader,
Thus it is unclear and spoils the poem.
And PA_s_ are written because of „key-worker_s_” –
For saving your time while talking to mockers.
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