Kul rangi xiraliq. Darks and skies
Xavotir ila umidlar
Kul rangi bulutlar eshikli
Ya’ni bedarvoza emas
Nur kirsa bo’ladi shekilli
Falakning ko’zlari feruza
Salgina ochilgan eshikdan
Menga bir soniya qarasa
Bepoyonligini bilaman
Kul rangi xavotirda yursam
So’ng parvoz qilsam umidli…
Ko’rmadim qaysi kun gullar
Bahorlarga ochdi eshikni
Shamolning sovuqqa qaramay
Quyoshni qoplagan rangiga...
Qani sen ey gulim - labbay
Tashlanar ochilib k’ozimga
Men yursam beparvo parishon
Hayot vaqt bekorga o’tqazmas
Kul rangi xiraliq - nurafshon
Gar diling ko’zlari ko’r emas
Omonlik va quvonch damlar
Bir kuni bizlarga yetadi
Kelishin hammadan avval
Xavotir bashorat qiladi.
Darks and skies
My worries together with hopes.
Grey clouds have many doors...
While gate to the sky is close,
Sun rays are like thrown swords.
The eye of sky is watching
Through almost closed doors,
Its color is blue as sorrow,
As deep as the universe.
While worries keep me going
Or hopes lift me over clouds,
I miss those happy moments
When spring meets her first flowers.
So what, if the wind so cold,
If the sun is invisible now…
Hey, my flowers are you ever born?
Yes we are! - reply of my flowers.
When I walked along careless way,
Nature has not lost any second...
Eyes see moisture, clouds, sky grey,
Whilst heart sees the promised legend.
Time of glee and happy prosperity
One day may be will come to us,
But before we see their messengers -
All these worries, darks and skies.
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