
Prowler walking down the road
Eager to erase the world
He's embraced in leather coat
To protect him from the cold

Cold and sadness fills his heart
As what he sees beyond is awful
Future sunk in bloodshed art
Women's eyes are scorn and mournful

What he does and what he did
Does it all make sense at all?
From now on and to the crid
Was it just another fall?

Lost with apathy he is
Steady once the gait has trambled
From day's grace he drops to knees
Will resistance be enabled?

Inner self and outer space
So fragile are their edges
Have you ever seen this place
Long ago enslaved for ages

Flash of light invade his head
The new meanings start unfolding
The new forms cannot be said
As the old ways keep on holding

He breaks through into unknown
Ripping threads before his eyes
Shredding curtain, moving stone
One should never ever rise 

