Chuck Norris

March 10th – Chuck Norris’ birthday.

Chuck Norris – well-known actor, philanthropist and expert in martial art.
He’s willed, courageous, patriotic, strong, determined, enthusiastic, smart.
Chuck is devoted to his people and his country, promoting integrity, health,
Good work ethics, perseverance, discipline, responsibility, vigor & strength.

Norris has acted in big screen thrillers, action films & worked on television.
He’s able to succeed pursuing family, film & TV career, martial arts, religion.
Chuck had conveyed himself with drive, charisma, resilience and versatility.
He has fulfilled in life his every dream, potential, goal, ambition and ability.

A living legend & revolutionary of martial arts in native country, he’s a star.
His passion to succeed in life has been a driving force that’s taken him afar.
Norris – a good example of commitment and success for newer generation,
Earning worldwide respect, appreciation, recognition & honorable mention.

March 10th – birthday of Chuck Norris, wishing you everything that’s positive.
Your current place in life is well deserved, thus it’s your exclusive prerogative.
May life be full of happiness, love, harmony, fulfillment, peace & inspiration.
Your birthday is your special day, bringing you positive surprises & attention.

Copyright©2014 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet
