George Harrison

February 25th – George Harrison’s birthday.  In 2014 there is 71 years since he was born.

George Harrison – a songwriter, producer, singer, musician.
He loved playing guitar, pursuing his music dream, ambition.
Harrison succeeded while in the Beatles and as a solo artist.
His contribution to the music field was one of the brightest.

George’s genres were experimental music, world, pop & rock.
At times he was productive writing music & sometimes stuck.
Harrison had played guitar, ukulele, keyboards, sitar and bass.
He was a talented musician, recognized as of the highest class.

George had explored in songs the theme of human existence.
His Dark Horse – example of loss in life, change & persistence.
An innovative artist, in music George incorporated spirituality.
As solo, he used creative freedom, expressing his individuality.

His signature was rhythm, exotic tones and chord progression,
Valuing melody, poetic style, musicianship & experimentation.
Passionate for pop, Indian music, he had promoted integration.
His rock & roll composition received acclaim and appreciation.

February 25th – birthday of George Harrison, a legend, superstar.
His interest in music instrumentation had taken him ahead or far.
A kindred soul, gifted rock guitarist, record producer left a mark
On our planet, and, sadly, was destined to prematurely embark.

Copyright©2014 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet

Гитарист легендарной группы
The Beatles.
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свои альбомы и занимался
восточной философией...
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смерти сказал,что единственное,
ради чего стоит жить,это
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