Enrico Caruso

February 25th – Enrico Caruso’s birthday.  In 2014 there is 141 years since he was born.

Enrico Caruso – a talented opera singer of Italian descent.
The years of his musical career master productively spent.
Caruso became recognized in America, Europe - all world.
A lot of opportunities for singer would generously unfold.

Dramatic and lyrical song performance brought him fame,
The audience’s love, commercial success & critical acclaim.
On television, radio and stage Caruso had gained popularity
For vocal gifts, massive recordings and vivacious personality.

Enrico had fulfilled his childhood dreams, ambitions, aims.
For perseverance, determination he received much praise.
Known as classical opera performer with strong vocal ability,
Caruso manifested musical pitch, legato, phrasing versatility.

February 25th – birthday of Enrico Caruso, a giant tenor ever.
We’ve still remembered his contribution, talent, skill forever.
Caruso - legend, star, unique persona discovered by the world.
He was respected, recognized, appreciated, admired & adored.

Copyright©2014 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet
