In the crowd I m searching for your eyes...

In the crowd I'm searching for your eyes,
In my dreams I see them all the time.
If I could just be with you once more,
I wouldn't do mistakes I did before.

In the past I always pushed you back,
I didn't mean all nasty words I said.
If you could understand I was so young..
It was so hard to see you were the one.

I miss you more than any words can tell.
You were the only person (who) knew me well.
I wish I had a chance to say goodbye...
You are the reason that tonight I cry.

Don't cry...more drink! Excuse me please. It's joke.

Август Рак   18.02.2014 15:07     Заявить о нарушении
I got your joke:) Thanks.

Сэнди Тайлер   18.02.2014 22:02   Заявить о нарушении