A Christmas Story

A cold winter night blew in a spark of hope as a small boy peered through the clear window shop...
                Jake De Arton
                Desember, 2007

It was a different Christmas night,
Mom suffered from the flu,
Dad called and said: ,, I missed my flight
There's nothing I can do".
Cold was the air in the street
As John came outside;
He felt no lightness in his feet
But caused himself to stride.
A spark of hope in his soul
Was being blown in
That he would manage to console
His sister and her twin
Who had so sensed the way Mom felt
And Dad's unplanned delay
That as together they had knelt,
They had not got to pray
But had burst out crying tears,
One holding to the other,
A girl and boy of tender years,
And he, their elder brother,
Was now at a window shop,
Intensely peering thru
At two twin dolls upon the top
Whose names were Bel and Hugh.
The more he looked, the more it seemed
To be his fancy's trick;
A Christmas gift that he had dreamed
Was real in a tick.
And yet the price was higher than
He could afford to pay;
,, Hey, take it!" - said a passing man -
,, It’s gonna be OK."
The sum of money John had lacked
Was now in his hand.
Astonished by the stranger's act,
He stepped in thru the doorway and
,, Here comes the customer who wins!" -
The shop girls sang out loud -
,, We saw you staring at the twins
And now you are allowed
To take 'em as your just reward
‘Cause at this certain minute
The shop can willingly afford
Whatever you see in it."
Astounded much more than ever,
John took the dolls and left.
,, Thru no expense and no endeavor
It feels just like a theft." -
Said he inside himself and heard
A voice, already known:
,, The shepherd loves the whole herd
And every sheep alone."
It was the man who had supplied
John's late financial lack;
His gentle hand now turned aside
The money given back.
,, It doesn't matter - said the stranger -
‘Cause it's a special night,
At which the infant in the manger
Will make all glum kids bright.
There's for the twins a Christmas tree,
You'll find it at your door,
And since there's nothing sweet for free,
That's what the cash is for.
There is the right shop up the street,
Go there and make your choice,
And may this be your best of treat
To let the kids rejoice.
That's what the circumstances are
Upon this Christmas night;
Your father's prayers from afar
Have reached their goal alright.
Now I have done my humble part,
It's time for me to leave,
Pray often even in your heart,
And first of all - believe!
The boy was blinded by the light
That suddenly flashed out
And took the stranger out of sight,
No trace was left about.
,, Oh well, no wonder - uttered John -
Since that's the angels' way;
Now they're before you, now they're gone,
Like needles into hay."
A quiet laugh come from above
Was a relaxing sound;
John's heart was filling up with love
For everything around,
And next a question of surprise
,, Where are these items from? -
Did made him strictly recognize
The pleasant voice of Mom.
He rubbed his dreamy eyes and saw
The closest folks he had,
They stood before him, all the four -
The juniors, Mom and Dad.
There were two dolls designed and christened
Each like one certain twin;
There was a fine fir tree that glistened
With magic from within.
He felt unable to believe
That all these things he dreamed;
It was no longer Christmas Eve,
The sunbeams gaily streamed
In thru the windows of home
The way they would at noon,
And Dad was really back from Rome,
Instead of coming soon.
Mom held his hand, and John could tell
At first sight of her face,
That she was absolutely well,
The flu had left no trace.
,, I caught an extra flight - said Dad -
God heard my quiet prayers,
But after all it makes me sad
To see you on the chairs.
How come you are on them all dressed,
Still sleeping when it’s day?
Why did you choose this spot to rest,
Was there no other way?"
Now John could see that Dad was right
He lay upon three chairs,
Beneath his head a package tight
Of sugared plums and pears;
Another package stuffed with sweets
He held against his breast,
And just like out in the streets
He still was fully dressed.
,, I can't remember much - he said -
And I just can't explain,
But I've still got it in my head -
Your pleas were not in vain."
Dad smiled his very best of smiles:
,, I prayed straight from my heart,
And being tied up by the miles
That kept us all apart,
I knew that every whispered word
I sent to God above
Was not in vain ‘cause it was heard
And cared for with love.
Now get prepared for the day,
It can no longer wait;
Together we will kneel and pray
To make our Christmas great,
And after that we'll have some fun
Remembering the New Born One.

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