Upon a violet dawn,
Engulfing all the southern reefs,
The storm went on and on.
Like fury in the open heart
Of ocean, grim and wild,
The pure force that reaps apart
With power of the tide.
The squall that never seen before
No island could withstand,
When waves, assaulting every shore,
Came crushing to the end.
As ocean madness coming close,
In vortex could be seen
The one who was that terror's cause -
Grand-Master of the scene.
The deepest Abyss of his Jaws,
The Lamplights of his Eyes,
That every mortal's trembling mouth
Leave lost in countless cries.
All living things in tremble before
Its terrifying grace,
Reaching the furthest distant shore,
And never slowing pace.
In breaking of the thousand seas,
When purple went the sun,
Awaken from eternal dreams,
Came beast Leviathan!
Свидетельство о публикации №114021009369
With sincere and deep respect, Nestor...
Нестор Осенев 21.08.2014 20:16 Заявить о нарушении
It sounds very pleasant to hear such a high praise. I merely write down what I see or hear inside.
Your talent in turn is quite complete one.
Vincent Markov
Винсент Марков 06.09.2014 13:19 Заявить о нарушении
Many see and remain blind, the same as hearing - remain deafs, but not everyone condescended talent, to look deep into this World... This gift also is shown to the World - Talent that subsequently, we have to bring - to Genius, for as we bear responsibility before life and society... And you,... such look inherent in the True Poet...
With deep respect for you, Nestor Osenev...
Нестор Осенев 06.09.2014 20:18 Заявить о нарушении