To My Best Friend

On this Earth, I am troubled in worries
When my best friend went home with the Lord
But he entered into His glory,
Just as believed in eternal world.

He left to a different world
Without terror, sickness, and pain;
This world as an extended enfold
Has no distance, no time, no ending.

This world has eternal joy,
This world has eternal brightness.
People there forever rejoice
And wear the clothes of righteousness.

He lives in remarkable world
Invisible to our eyes,
Our soul can always long
For a hint how look like in skies.

He lives in eternal bliss,
In worship to Jesus and Lamb,
Frankly tell you, I really miss
Just to glimpse this amazing flare.

He lives in eternal love
Enclosed by Jesus in heaven
I just dream about this world.
But he lives there: perfect and freely.

While you live in a desperate world
With tears, distress and sickness,
You should know through anguish and mold
Only Jesus gives peace and meekness.

I’ve been touched by Redeemer and Lord,
Through the promises of His Word
So I rapture this charming world
And I cherish in Jesus alone.

I am still stressed in this evil world,
And perplexed, but not in despair
I struck down, but not destroyed
Jesus’ life flows through my soul.

Put away any troubles and worries
Carry on God’s treasure again
In your wrecked and broken soul
Jesus gives all His strength to restore.

When God finish your personal story
You will enter into His glory;
To embrace this astonishing world
And forever will reign with your Lord!

