Ann Sheridan
Ann Sheridan – a talented actress who made a contribution
To film industry with skill enhancement, growth, evolution.
Performed in comedies, thriller, crime films and melodrama.
Ann had fulfilled acting potential within her career panorama.
Incredible comedienne and serious dramatic actress rocked.
On cinematic map Sheridan made notice or distinctive mark.
Tough woman image and the girl next door appeal on screen
Showed versatility, allowing to impress the audience and win.
Ann’s great comic gift, ability producing audience’s laughter
Allowed her to flourish, evolve, mature and dreams go after.
Her perfect timing and “emotions behind words” expression
On critics, colleagues, audience and fans made an impression.
Ann had exuded confidence, a great sense of humor, quick wit.
She was honest, direct, warm, loving, caring, giving and sweet.
Sheridan was beautiful, happy, feminine, enchanting, charming.
Her looks, strengths, talents, perseverance, courage – disarming.
True to herself, with easy going spirit, sharpness and simplicity,
Ann outstood with drive, determination, talent, acting ability.
She had achieved star power working in film, radio, television.
Sheridan believed she had fulfilled her lifelong career mission.
February 21st – birthday of Ann Sheridan, beauty, talent, star.
She masterfully acted, delivered her lines, getting ahead or far.
Ann is remembered to this day, remaining lovable and shining.
A natural actress, she had become accomplished and defining.
Copyright©2014 Mila Alper
* Photo is from the Internet
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