The Game

The Game is constant,
Once you start.
Each actor plays
Its own part.

In endless scheme
Of acts and moves,
The essence drowns
In countless clues.

Nonchalant smiles
On gypsum masks
We’re wearing on
From dawn till dusk.

Swift fading scripts,
That long past due,
Pass out our lips
Proclaimed as true.

The dance, which pattern
’S so complex,
As shades we follow
Humbly next.

The question is -
Whatever for
We go through tales
Of peace and war?

In never-ending
Piece of struggle
What reason
Forces us to juggle?

The simple answer
There lies -
Behind the so
Exquisite lines.

For twisted Game
With rules so tough
One simple name
It’s known as -

Delightfully. Masterfully.

Артём Козлов   23.02.2014 17:51     Заявить о нарушении
Appreciate such a high mark! Hope it's worth it.
Wishing You success in all Your creative work!
Vincent Markov

Винсент Марков   24.02.2014 20:30   Заявить о нарушении
На это произведение написаны 2 рецензии, здесь отображается последняя, остальные - в полном списке.