Heather Angel

February 9th – Heather Angel’s birthday.  In 2014 there is 105 years since she was born.

Heather Angel – a crafted British actress of theatre, film & television.
She seemed satisfied with her career, fulfilling acting dream or vision.
Angel performed supporting & leading roles, although doing her best.
She loved her big screen and stage, feeling it was her calling or quest.

The Three Musketeers, The Mystery of Edwin Drood, The Informer…
Heather was a dedicated, willed, persistent and versatile performer.
The Hound of the Baskervilles, Night in Montmartre and City of Song…
She’d take advantage of given opportunities, which couldn’t go wrong.

She worked in all kinds of films, receiving acclaim, recognition, praise.
Heather possessed talent, charm, gentleness, beauty, femininity, grace.
She was remembered as a decent actress who made her contribution.
Angel played characters while able to portray reality as well as illusion.

February 9th – birthday of Heather Angel, we think of her in mind & soul.
She had successfully accomplished her personal and professional goal.
A dainty lady, she generously shared her dramatic gifts with humanity,
Expressing her determined, strong, courageous spirit and individuality.

Copyright©2014 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet
