
When there is no one to talk to – just talk,
Write a poem or a song, or a post in your blog.
Make yourself visible, make yourself exist,
They’ll never answer to the silence,
So – talk.

Talk to the stranger in the train
Or to your neighbor on the plane,
Talk to your mother when she calls
And to your boss/brother when he comes.
Open your mouth!
And you’ll always have someone to talk to.

I also used to feel this way so many times,
Keeping myself in silence,
While my mind was overburden with thoughts –
Too many words inside make you blind,
Cause all you can think is of yourself with no place left
For the beauty of sights and sounds and everyone around you,
So – talk.


When you’ll talk yourself off, sure, you’ll feel much clearer,
Nothing to be mad about, no need to be unhappy,
Let the silly ones be silly, and the jealous ones jealous,
Get to know yourself better just by telling them who you are.


