Lightening brigth sun
I was always soo happy
To look into your bright eyes
Like sun,
They worm me
And dry my tears
I feel so perfect and
Not alone
In this moment
I want to hold as mucht as i can
That it will never die and end
And feeling of care
I was waiting for this eyes for soo long and miss
Now i thankfull
Undesrstanded what was this
Truth all my life
And last years spesially strong
Feeling that i miss something
But i cant understand what i miss
Thought the darknes
Day by day this feeling was following me
I felt cold, lonlines even i was in a crowd
I felt
That i miss something
Even it seems that i never known it
But this feeling and experiense i getted from past
Past lifes
That i still dont remeber full
In this experiense and memory was you!!
Now i understand it...
Beautifull so much beauty
I have never seen
like in this eyes i think first kiss
i faced ...understanding in all aspects
mauby it is only written by myself fate???
I dont think so...
I am just happy
That i found
This iland of light
Iland of paradise
In this dark desert...
Like moonlight in shining glowing land
Land of us
I thought i found all in this speshial eyes...
I know you will stay
Forever with me
And in this tender
I understanded all
All from my life
Only to feel this love and understanding
In this wormness that we share with each other
TWIST!! i feel wormnes
such a big wormness that i forget all
beliving in you
i understood
Now what i was missing
I undertood now
How i was missing you
In this light'
And changing emoutions there was only
What was forever
Is this emoution with you
With universe and space
That we created and forgot it what we create
For this light
And energy of nature
For love
And our kiss
Tender kiss with passion and love
Creating is wanting
Creating is love
In painfull moment
i will stay forever with you
i will be lost forever in this blue eyes
like the ocean
and all
and all
what i was loving is heare.
i think i finally found home.
oro wanta !!!**))
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