Jerome Kern

January 27th – Jerome Kern’s birthday.  In 2014 there is 129 years since he was born.

Jerome Kern – popular music and musical theater composer, true genius.
Since younger age he started learning music, was very focused & serious.
Kern’s jazz progression & syncopation were his innovation, interpretation,
Which brought him much acknowledgment, acclaim, praise and attention.

Jerome was born with talent and his Mom helped him developing further.
She taught him basics of piano, organ playing, shaping him as a composer.
Kern studied music in the States & Europe, polishing, honing skills, evolving.
His musical career on Broadway & in Hollywood was successfully revolving.

Jerome was known for Broadway & European operettas styles integration.
Incorporating songs in plots, he had promoted human emotions expression.
Kern had reflected in the play, film music his environment’s & era’s values.
With rare falls, he mainly experienced artistic & commercial success & rises.

Kern’s songs had been recorded & performed in cabaret, radio, television.
Impeccable, inventive, balanced, rich were his harmonies &compositions.
Artistically, technically trained, he collaborated with other professionals.
Alliance with librettist, lyricist Oscar Hammerstein was most sensational. 

January 27th – birthday of Jerome Kern, charming, demure, gifted, modest,
Humorous, dignified, determined, willed, inspiring, novel, inventive artist.
Kern left an imprint on world’s map, making historic, cultural contribution.
His songs are everlasting classics, standards of American music institution.

Copyright©2014 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet
