Gene Krupa

January 15th – Gene Krupa’s birthday.  In 2014 there is 105 years since he was born.

Gene Krupa – a pioneering, gifted composer, drummer, musician.
Becoming interested in drumming early in life, he made a decision.
Gene studied, practiced drums & cymbals, inventing one of a kind.
Traditional & innovative performance style he’s able to fuse & find.

Krupa exhibited vigor, flamboyance, expressiveness, drive, passion.
Playing an instrument to audience gave him joy, energy, satisfaction.
Exploring genres such as big band, dixieland, American jazz & swing,
He had connected to fans through music, making them feel & think.

Gene’s style was overly expressive, visible, athletic and exceptional.
His popularity had started as domestic, expended to be international.
Spectacular showman, drummer & percussionist knew how to amaze.
For drums as solo instrument we give Gene credit, recognition, praise.

Krupa devoted life to music, generously shared talents, skills, abilities.
Not knowing how to read music, he still achieved mastery, versatility.
Gene was a “Chicago Style” performer and modern drum sets’ father.
He brought transformation to field of drums, to innovate he’d rather.

January 15th – birthday of Gene Krupa, kind, strong willed, courageous.
His energy, enthusiasm had been inspiring, abundant and contagious.
Gene Krupa is remembered as a unique, daring performer of all times.
He had contributed to music field, able to innovate, achieve, surprise.

Copyright©2014 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet
