Adam to Eve

 The day by the light, the night like sea
 And waves mayby are wings in fly over trees,
 I swim like a dolphin in your world of totalitarianism and democracy,
 Even little prince and priest, me, probably,
 Moscow, Martinique, Paris are here when i close me eyes on your breast,
 Heart on one knee
 With flowers of the paradise by friendship pedagogy,
 But why you dance now with this old wizard who appear killed me?!,
 Snake lie around to your nature, thieve precious gold and jewels of personality,
 And all your peace finally,
 He say what you will be free
 Without suffering of the relationship by friendly hand and kiss of Virgin Mary,
 But he himself is the principle and the worker for all pains and misery,
 Do you may see?
 Even when you feel my face on your fist, please, it is your hot tea?
