Сиенский собор - перевод А. Блока

The Siensky Cathedral
by Alexander Blok

If you are anxious about the coming death,
If your days are not bright, and ever,
Then you should fall your eye to the slabs
Of Saint Cathedral of Siena.

Say, where's the place of the eternal night?
Here it is - the lips of Sybill feared
Are crazy whispering about the revival,
The Ressurrection of saint Christ.

Let's finish now all your earth affairs,
Being so glad with your wise age at last.
Here, under a chisel all the things stopped traffic,
The things, on which we all are spelling now.

And here is - a boy with flower and bird,
Here's - a man the pergamin is reading,
Here's - an oldman, bent over the tomb
On two sticks, looking at the name on it.

Be silent, soul. Dot tease or touch,
Or force, or call to somewhere in that time:
The day will come, when surely would come
The strict and crystal hour of love.

June 1909
