To be blined to the future...

I was not always blined to the future
Though I had to do my best at present,
But even now I think it wasn't pleasant
As well it wasn't my misfortune.
   But now I do to think of better future
   May be it's just the sense of nature,
   The more you come to the misfortune,
   The more you aren't blined to your future.
Sometimes you think your future is near,
Sometimes you don't see at all
The sense in everything you hear
As if it's steps or something even more.
   I think that nobody knows
   If one is to be blined to the future.
   It's aim of future, it must show
   If we were blined or just misfortuned.
So that's the question even now
To do one's best, as if one know how.      
