Happy Yet Another Year

I still have about a couple of seconds till midnight starts gradually breaking through different time zones and continents of this globe. A number of seconds just enough to reflect on this year that has been one of the most challenging yet exciting, truly filled with emotions, events and brilliant disappointments.

For once, during this year I have fallen in love in the most sincere, diligent and beautiful way; yet falling out of it was a more rewarding experience.

I have drifted apart with two or three people, who I had considered my soulmates; at the same time rekindling relationships with many long-gone friends and actually acquiring two new best friends. It all just taught me how not to lose the new two.

I have also tragically lost a couple of souls, may they rest in peace and serve a constant reminder for me to care about others, at least those who are still here. Rest in peace.

This year, I have found new home; but most importantly, I learned how to move on, start from a scratch and at the same time keep the old memories vague but close to the heart.

I got a new amazingly awesome job before even finishing college. The latter taught me that when having to choose in between two, I always decide to pull myself together and actually go for both. And keep on going until I die. Or until I fall asleep because I am out of coffee.

I have discovered that being myself actually pays off great time. Also, I learned how to know that I am fine: as long as there is at least someone out there who needs me and appreciates me.

On a less lyrical note, this year I have visited 8 countries, out of which 5 – for the first time. The enlightening moment lies in realizing that there are still over 200 more that I would like to visit.

I have visited four new Russian cities; but actually what matters is not geography, but all the time I spent on the train reflectively drinking and heavily thinking. Not vice versa.

Plus, I’ve been on a plane 32 times during 2013. Now I know they don't serve you huge meals when you fly domestic in the US.

I have finally got a tattoo. This experience taught me nothing. Or maybe just that there should be things in life that don't teach you anything and you just do them for fun. Also, it taught me how to tell the lifelong story of my tattoo idea in two short sentences. Not bad.

I have swum in two different oceans during this year. Learned that it's a very bad idea to swim in the salty ocean water right after you had some blackwork done on your arm.

Finally, I'm very glad I have got to learn, to study, to read, to listen to, to create, to accomplish and to watch so much. This year indeed has been a year of recovery and continuous discovery.

Sorry I couldn't turn this into a song or a poem. I just figured it would be a very long and dull verse. Lesson learned.

When writing this, I wasn't trying to be funny, or thoughtful, or insightful. But please let me know if you found this sincere or entertaining; so I can include a passage about people appreciating me and my works in my next year's abstract.

