You deserved

 All we get what we deserve
 Want to rule, but born to serve.
 Want to fly, but crawl again,
 Being last, we envy main.

 Modern prophets of the rhyme
 Undesired by their time.
 "No one wants the truth, you see?
 Leave it, mate, and just agree.

 Just get pleasures with no doubt
 While the truth is coming out.
 Then - just call it stupid trick,
 Laugh and get another drink.

 All is simple: live and fun!
 Problems? Huh, we're having none.
 Burn your mind in our flame -
 Kill ambitions with no shame."

 "Well, you're right, the trade is fair:
 Fail your life - why should I care?
 Your mistakes will be your fault:
 Just remember - you deserved"


Наверное, так мы и упустили Эми Вайнхаус...

Инна Щептева   29.09.2015 05:10     Заявить о нарушении
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