Shooting star

Blindfold slowly falling down from starlit skies,
Dividing it in two while light disperses all around.
Screaming rattle of the splitting so fast sound
Bold slap in face of Universe with billion years eyes.
No ropes and cosmic gravity to hold me tied to stars,
No ominous silence of boundless black home,
I'd rather turn in vapor or be hit my meteor stones
Than return to sibling lights spreading around vast.
Been there for eternity and time has come to fight,
To challenge something wilder than Universe,
Never knew human despair, anyway this trip was worth
Of all unknown ice-cold drops on evil face of night.
The flight seemed endless till I reached the ground,
Never sensed before but I was falling right below,
My fragile structure chained by unknown human awe,
Heaps of water and wicked darkness all around.
I fulfilled my dream sacrificing all I ever had,
Became a tiny particle of smth more tremendous,
Fear'd gone erasing traces of its dark horrendous
But I was not alive as star and not as human dead.
I will stay underwater for the next human breath
Lighting someone's path above the wicked depth,
For him to look below in shining mirror just to sense
The strength and spit into the face of grinning death.

July 09, 2013


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