The Skull

The Skull

The dove deplores upon the precept.
Hush, thou scared repiner!
Who's a wise man marches naked,
Acting like an absent minded.
People lived upon prescript,
Tearing through a blackthorn lane.
Due to slander were deceived               
Those who puffed in overstrain.
Those with the closed eyelids are blind,
Life of the deaf is silent still.
Apathetic are confined,
Blind and deaf to mindful will.
Do not judge. You have no right,
Blaming fairer than a beast.
Where the youth is old as night
Silver-haired are age decreased.


 Same on the left and on the right Here are kings, there - simpletons
All is lorn and poisoned sight
Arching, dying from their mourns.
Or because of fullish leisure
Souring due to drinking pleasure.
But neither commoner nor sire
Wants seize his living and expire, 
But neither idol nor admirer
 Wants seize his living and expire...
    Wants seize his living and expire... 

14.04.13 self-translated from Russian.
