Jews leave Europe - Europe Muslims dearer


LEAVE Europe, Jews ...

          " There are signs that Allah will grant us victory in Europe , even
       without sword.
            We do not need terrorists and suicide bombers - millions of Muslims in    Europe will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades. "
                Muammar Qaddafi , the 2007th year.

 Jews leave Europe * , -
 Muslim Europe sweeter .
 Now more of them there than Jews -
 Their election louder voice .
 And more and will be weightier
 Their voice in the European house .
 It bourgeoisie with the proletariat
 Soon live on articles Sharia .
 No shooting , no massacres,
 And without " Yalla ! " ( " Come on! " )
 It multiplies the Muslim people .
 So as not to become a Muslim Europe
 Europe to remain secular -
 She needs a new Ian Sobieski ,
 Defend Europe from the Turks -
 Crushed their army near Vienna .

 Jews leave Europe -
 Muslims to Europe sweeter .

 -------------------------------------------------- ----
 * - Refer to the following application :

     Udo Ulfkotte

              EUROPE soon become free of Jews .

 Norway in a few weeks will be free of Jews << >> - on Nazi TERMINOLOGY - "Judenfrei". Last 819 Jews living in Norway at the moment, due to the growing anti-Semitism are leaving the country . Thus , Norway will become the first European country without a Jewish population. More than that. same
  trend is evident in all European countries .

 Who has not heard the news reports of a terrorist attack on Jews
 Bulgaria, who does not know that the Jews in Europe are under attack every day? In February 2012 , the Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten reported on the exodus of Jews from the country. President of the Jewish community in Norway, said that one of the main reasons that Muslim immigration wave :
   << Many immigrants bring anti-Semitism of their countries. Shameful that no one opposes them in this country >> . In Europe back aggressive anti-Semitism .

 A similar trend as in neighboring Sweden - and in all EU countries . Muslims everywhere
 persecuted Jews.

 Information Service Kopp, one of the few openly offers exclusive reports on this issue.

 In France, not a day goes by without an attack on Muslims Jews. The newspapers word about it - too many other things to do . Only the first five months of 2012, there were
 committed 268 attacks on Jews .

 France has now become anti-Semitic country .
 Socialist government headed by President Hollande does nothing to protect Jews - on the contrary . Many Muslims are an important group of voters ! And they are protected by the socialists.

 July 5, 2012 17 -year-old Jew near Toulouse was almost trampled to death on a train two usulmanami - immigrants from North Africa , because wearing the Star of David on his chest . The police did not even accept the complaint . Currently, Jews of France openly called
 leave the country.

 Italy is no different from France. Citizens of the Jewish religion must constantly fear for their lives and live in a kind of ghetto - a maximum security prison .

 Six years ago , British media reported on the exodus of Jews from the UK. This trend has not changed . In 1990 , there were 340,000 Jews , and today their
 number is less than 240,000 .
 Muslim immigrants made their lives a living hell , and cast them out .

 Antwerp Belgian Jews were expelled .

 In the Netherlands , the Jewish leaders openly advised her of families to leave the country as soon as possible . Former EU Commissioner Frits Bolkestein - Dutchman of Moroccan
 origin - was an anti-Semite , he said that it would be better if the Jews left
 voluntarily . They could emigrate to the United States or Israel .

 Dutch politicians from the ranks of the Socialists , even went to the demonstration together with Muslims , publicly calling for " gasification " of the Jews .

 In German-speaking countries on this topic in the media has not reported .
 After all, Muslims , from the point of view of German journalists , honest people who have nothing to do with right-wing extremists . German journalists , noted this quality , and the fact
 thus contribute to the expulsion of Jews from Europe.

         August 1, 2012 .
