To search for you

To search for you, as for yourself and as if
you go for the shadow in the dark
above the city viscous, noisy, lazy.
To find you as a dust of th`only spark.
To search for you, as th`entrance to the station,
when the last train hoots coming and before
you`re parting me, without th`expectation,
the prospect to withhold you therefore.
Search for you as collect the piles behind
all that, on what just ever stayed your glance.
To build your dream by storing in my mind
the image of your lips, your arms, your eyes.
When want so much to tell you about how
I miss you, how dreams just make me blue
I wrap myself in a blanket as if now,
still keeping in the silence loving you.

I wrap myself in a blanket of your beautiful poetry...full of Love and tremendous dedication to the search...

Thank you, Алла!


Лёчка   26.01.2014 16:30     Заявить о нарушении