Gloria Grahame

November 28th – Gloria Grahame’s birthday.  In 2013 there is 90 years since she was born.

Gloria Grahame – a talented actress in film, theatre and on television.
She was determined to fulfill her dreams, goals, talents and ambition.
Grahame was famous, popular for the film noir, continuing to grow.
She won her Oscar’s for “The Bad and the Beautiful”, to her we bow.

Gloria was an attractive woman with charm, originality and sex appeal.
The siren had conveyed as a serious actress, her skill she would reveal.
Grahame was known as strong willed, determined, brave, yet insecure,
Pretty, enchanting and intrepid versus shy, modest, bashful or demure.

Grahame manifested mastery, hard work, willingness to act, passion.
She had possessed an open mindedness, persistence and imagination.
Exuding grace, beauty, attempt to attract audience, men, versatility,
Gloria achieved a worldwide success, recognition, praise and visibility.

November 28th – birthday of Gloria Grahame, sex symbol of her time.
As actress she had gradually evolved, willing to polish her skill, refine.
Grahame made a contribution to theater, television, cinematography.
She was her own life’s and fate’s director, actress and choreographer.

Copyright©2013 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet
