Whoopi Goldberg

November 13th - Whoopi Goldberg’s birthday.

Whoopi Goldberg – a multitalented persona, an international star.
She had strength, courage, guts achieving her dream, taking it far.
Whoopi succeeded as an actress, singer, songwriter, producer, host.
She’s unforgettable in films The Color Purple, Sister Act and Ghost.

Fulfilling talents in Hollywood, on Broadway, film, television, stage,
Goldberg has shown her versatility that is eternal and free of age.
Not limiting self, she’s been radio disc jockey, author, comedian.
Whoopi’s reaction to creative opportunities is instant, immediate.

WHoopi’s strong presence is distinct, visible, recognized, praised.
She naturally can shock audience, colleagues, surprise, amaze.
Goldberg’s equally competent in drama & comedy, she is a pro.
Her acting phenomenon – a source of massive attention draw.

Acting, improvisation in theatre, television, film – her mission.
Whoopi’s received commercial and critical acclaim, recognition.
She’s been an outstanding entertainer, illuminating perpetually.
Goldberg exudes her charm, talent, professionalism naturally.

She’s independent, assertive, brave, articulate and can be fresh,
Especially when someone is treating her family as piece of trash.
Goldberg’s committed to family, which she protects to her best.
Each given challenge in life she overcomes, passing it as a test.

Whoopi is known for her generous nature in terms of charity.
Her drive and determination in everything she does is rarity.
Goldberg’s humanitarian efforts are sincere, direct, proactive.
In homeless, human rights, substance abuse areas she’s active.

November 13th - birthday of Whoopi Goldberg, you are the best!
May you enjoy your special day, having fun, pampering and rest!
Wishing you, Whoopi, be true to yourself as you’ve always been.
Maintain your humor having been passed to you through gene.

Copyright©2013 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet
