You ve Got to Be The Best

How d'you get to know what's playing on my mind
Youth is here to stay, childhood's been left behind
I'm facing the world to get some four of a kind
Listening to the beat I've been searching to find

Moscow's waking up for another happy morning
People go ahead, fill the streets without turning
Around to be found in the gloomy underground
Building some jammy crowd to keep on getting stuck around

I'm not turning the ignition key before they get away
Neither a slave, nor a sheppard in this regular clay
Since every single day you've got your own holly day
Whenever you control your faith to get it make your day

Something special to raise youself up to the top
There comes your freedom to arrange your own flash mob
You're supposed to see your target and ignore all the rest
Believe in God inside your brain, since You've Got to Be the Best.


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