Hedy Lamarr

November 9th – Hedy Lamarr’s birthday.  In 2013 there is 99 years since she was born.

Hedy Lamarr – “The Most Beautiful Woman in Films”, movie queen,
As in the “Golden Age” of Hollywood she had been called and seen.
Lamarr’s incomparable beauty along with talent and inventive mind
Impressed her colleagues, audience, country, appearing rear to find.

Hedy was widely known for her exotic beauty, captivating sensuality.
Conveying as desirable woman, she gained success, fame, popularity.
Not only was Lamarr attractive, but gifted with her comic flair, skill.
Pursuing acting, showed courage, determination, perseverance, will.

She had possessed her problem solving gift, intelligence, innovation.
Hedy Lamarr and George Antheil came up with scientific invention.
Receiving patent for a device-precursor of wireless communication,
They made contribution to the military and scientific transformation.   

November 9th – birthday of Hedy Lamarr, the Ecstasy’s star, sensation.
She had enchanted the whole world, American and European nation.
Lamarr outstood with her seducing look and femme fatale notoriety,
Which led to the ongoing worldwide fascination, big screen mortality.

Copyright©2013 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet

Interesting verse. In honor of Hedy. But the Hostess likes only mine "The Song Hedwig". Though in Russian.

Василий Биттибальди   18.12.2013 12:57     Заявить о нарушении
Thank you, Vasiliy.

Best wishes, Mila

Мила Альпер   28.12.2013 16:15   Заявить о нарушении