Joe Dassin

November 5th – Joe Dassin’s birthday.  In 2013 there is 75 years since he was born.

Joe Dassin – talented songwriter, singer performing chanson, French pop.
Once he discovered his true career, calling, no one was able him to stop.
A polyglot, Dassin recorded in Spanish, German, English, French & Greek.
His vocal execution was mesmerizing, pleasant, irresistible, deep, sleek.

Joe grew up in loving environment, exposed to creativity and inspiration.
He was quick learner, noble student, whose gifts brought much attention.
Dassin exhibited a beautiful voice, great sense of rhythm and musicality.
As singer, he had been perfectionist, known for his musical universality.

Joe had established his career equilibrium, fulfilled his musical potential.
He gradually became a legend, receiving recognition, honorable mention.
Dassin successfully pursued his music passion, achieving fame, popularity.
He outstood with versatility, intelligence, devotion, unique individuality.

November 5th – birthday of Joe Dassin (Joseph Ira Dassin), our idol, star.
Had he lived longer, Joe would have risen higher, reached further or far.
Remembering, enjoying the sound of his voice, listening to his recording,
We think of him today and always, the luxury our hearts can be affording.

Copyright©2013 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet

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