A Simple Verse

I'd like to go some place easy and fun
To travel the world with the loved someone
To feel totally found instead of lost
To take a pic and to make it a Facebook post.
I'd like to look like my life is a total blast
Like there is no future and no past
To step into some oh-so-used photo booth
And to have my smile show my every tooth.
I'd like my loved someone to be holding me
Like we both cherish our bond and good company
Like we are going to stay these true friends
Through all beginnings and through all ends.
I'd like to speak and be heard, to live and be seen
As does every actor filming a winner scene
As does every artist wowing the audience
As does every being whose life is to make any sense...
The clock is ticking, it's time to pack up and leave,
Wish we could stay here but something has got to give.
Hey you two smiling into the camera eye -
Thank you for looking like none of this is a lie.


Stumpled upon your page bymere accident. Was googling Polozkova English and discovered your delightful page!

This one piece is especially great. Enjoyed it a lot!
Thanks a bunch!

Kind regards,

Агата Жетем   21.04.2015 13:01     Заявить о нарушении
I'm also using poetrysoup.com for a wider English speaking audience.
I have an external link to my verses in English, if interested.

Агата Жетем   21.04.2015 13:03   Заявить о нарушении
Thank you so much for your kind words, I'll make sure to visit your page!


Евгения Саркисьянц   21.04.2015 16:07   Заявить о нарушении
На это произведение написаны 2 рецензии, здесь отображается последняя, остальные - в полном списке.