All the things that went unsaid...
Someday, you will look back,
Rewinding years and losing track...
Someday, you might feel sad,
You might feel bad or might be glad...
Someday, you'll think of me and say,
"What could I've done, to make her stay...?"
Someday, you'll want to touch my hand,
Someday, you'll want to take a stand...
Someday, you will feel brave and will admit,
You didn't fight, you simply quit...
Когда-нибудь, ты загрустишь,
Когда-нибудь, меня простишь...
И вспоминая обо мне,
Душа затоскует, как птица по весне...
Когда-нибудь, к руке захочешь прикоснуться,
Когда-нибудь, захочешь в нежность окунуться...
Когда-нибудь, когда не сможешь 'нас' забыть,
Гордыне скажешь, "а ведь мог остановить..."
Свидетельство о публикации №113102905576
Beautiful, yet sad, as it was meant to be.
Have a listen. )
Евгений Шпунт 27.01.2016 00:18 Заявить о нарушении
Someday was written in a heartbeat, very quickly and naturally. Not too crazy about the Russian translation. Probably wouldn't have provided one, if the rules for cast didn't require it.
Re-reading it now, raises the same questions though. Why are people ashamed to admit how they feel? Why do people let their loved ones go...if we are talking about "true love?" Is it it a "set of other circumstances" is it shyness?
You know, I started noticing something I haven't noticed before. Perhaps because we are in a different day and age...sort of what I was talking about with regard to raising children. But what I've noticed is that - women, these days, are a lot more forthcoming with their feelings, when it comes to reaching out or "making the first move."
I don't judge people. I contemplate about things. For instance:
If a man is shy and a woman makes the move, and they live happily ever after...isn't that phenomenal?! On the other hand, if a "Man Loves a Woman" ))))...why should he be shy about it?
Times change and people should change along with the times. But as much as I am true to my heart and my feelings, it's so hard for me to accept that today, women can act like man and give out their numbers, before the guy even asks her for it, or ask a guy out "for a drink". On the other hand, if we believe that we are creators of our own faith...what'w wrong with a woman doing that? She is pursuing her happiness perhaps.. it could be something that could last a lifetime...
So often, I hear: "I like HIM, I'm going for it!" And it's a bit radical for me...although, I try to keep an open mind. I have to admit though... it just sounds sooo much s e x i e r... when I hear: "I like HER, I'm going for it!"
I don't think there's a right or wrong. There are certainties and uncertainties. And as long as people know exactly how they feel (without being wishy/washy about it), then it's ok (either way).
I probably would not be thinking about these things, at this point, if I didn't have children, who are growing up and are going to find themselves in situations like these. No one is immune from these choices.
The bottom line, as I always tell my children, is that at the end of the road...there have to be v e r y few (IF'S).
If I had done that, then...
If I had said this, then...
If I only knew then, what I know now...
We can't turn back the clock and it's even if the ending is said, BUT you can say... but I've done ALL I could from my end... then, there should be no regrets... It's those if's that make us think and re-think the past that doesn't let the heart rest...
...just thinking out loud...
Симона Пекер 27.01.2016 04:14 Заявить о нарушении