Open your heart

In an open space, in a playful sky
This charming feeling begins to fly.
In an open space, in the Universe,
This endless feeling will have his force.

Open your heart for something new,
Open your soul, it will be true,
Open your eyes, they can't be bad,
Open your smile, she can't be sad.

In a complex world with good and evil,
Where joy adjoines with crafty fear.
This charming feeling is the Love
And only she has own Crown.

Breathe and force your forceful shoulders,
Take benefits and give it back,
All of us are the world's holders,
But never lose your planned way.

Стоит ли в русскоязычной стране писать на иных языках?
Для чего?

Наталья Шерман   06.11.2013 22:46     Заявить о нарушении
Душа требует) А вообще это международный язык, миллионы слушают англ песни, почему бы не прочесть английские стихи?

Дарья Дюжакова   07.11.2013 20:49   Заявить о нарушении