Of Scissors and Princesses

When looking for the princess, it's the same story all over again.
You're going through all of it: the rain,
the slaughter, the lava.
But, as they say, it's the test of your feelings and love. Oh!

Your princess is in another castle.

So was it worth all of this? All the hassle,
My wasted time and my firepower.
Killing armies for the sake of a single flower,
a star at the end of the path, shining bright,
blessing me deep with delight
and the thought, that it's all not in vain.
But in the end it all slips away once again.
How many castles are there for me yet to find?
How many cursed souls wait to be purified
with the fire, the axe and the scissors?

I'm so sorry, but your princess.
Is still in another castle.
