Sarah Bernhardt

October 22nd – Sarah Bernhardt’s birthday.  In 2013 there is 169 years since she was born.

Sarah Bernhardt - most famous actress of all time, acclaimed internationally.
Her acting talent and femme fatale image imprinted in history sensationally.
“The Divine Sarah” - triumphant, versatile in genres of travesty and drama.
Enriching and fulfilling was her stage/film career and overall life’s panorama.

Bernhardt expressed artistic freedom, dignity, ambition, novelty, creativity.
Distinctive, outstanding was her determination, perfectionism, acting ability.
Sarah enchanted audience with clear diction, warm voice and emotionality,
As well as her alluring touch of lyricism, expressive gestures, sentimentality.

Sarah was multifaceted, as she directed, acted and coached others acting.
Her talent was bigger than life, her contribution continued to be affecting.
Bernhardt was versatile, as she explored talents in painting, sculpture, writing.
In anything she tried, she honed her skills, to her it was evolving and exciting.

By nature, Sarah was a leader and ensured that she would always dare, win.
Establishing stardom, she became a worldwide icon that’s never before seen.
Bernhardt, despite life’s falls and rises, had achieved much fame and wealth.
She gradually succeeded, being equipped with drive, willpower, courage, faith.

October 22nd – birthday of Sarah Bernhardt, lady of charm, grace, thrill, nobility.
Her unconventional, inventive, independent spirit explored world of possibility.
Her acting spectrum, ongoing self-promotion, consistent effort, perseverance,
Beauty and magnetism contributed to overall success and winning appearance.

Copyright©2013 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet
