Brigitte Bardot

September 28th – Brigitte Bardot’s birthday.

Brigitte Bardot – a beautiful woman, talented actress of French descent.
She’s been considered a 1950s-1960s sex symbol – all men’s best friend.
Started as fashion model, became an actress, singer, animal rights activist.
Brigitte’s never regretted her choices, decisions in life, she is an optimist.

While growing up, studied ballet along with Leslie Caron, loved dancing.
Their ballet teacher was Boris Knyazev, who taught her to be advancing.
Later Brigitte Bardot transitioned to modeling career, singing and acting,
Which had become for her more interesting, appealing and/or tempting.

Brigitte conveyed herself as feminine, soft, stylish, driven and sensual.
She has become an icon, celebrity at young age, worldwide sensational.
Her curvy body, sultry voice, glamour, liberal spirit, vigor and sexuality
Revealed Bardot’s nonconventional, courageous, distinct individuality.

September 28th – birthday of Brigitte Bardot, internationally acclaimed.
Never intending to become a legend, she has achieved abundant fame.
Brigitte is still up to this day remembered, praised, loved and admired.
Her contribution to film industry, career during her era has been a riot.

Copyright©2013 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet
