
No, I'm not in love with you
I just cant help drawing in mind your smiling
And your eyes seem to capture me. They really do!
So the heart refuses to stay calm keeping flying
Somewhere among hesitations and confidences.
Who would know I'll be dreaming of listening to your heartbeats?
One part of me is searching hard for the causes
Of the things going like that. Am I an addict?

No, I'm not addicted to you.
I just dont want the melody of my heart to end
You made it louder, it is for sure true
And it says you're much more than a friend

Well listen, now I'm tired of pretending
Not to feel exactly what I do.
The point is- I havent been expecting,
That finally I'm deeply into you.

We love to play. We LOVE to play!
We turn this life into damned circus.
Who needs to pray? - All games're the same.
One raises, then fail - A walk in circles!

They said this right - the love is blind,
Tempts with addictions and attractions.
But one who's right, for you, just right
Will never use your weaks for action.

You said, you want your heart to sing?
The song, the style - they all DO matter!
Love is magnetic, some would think, -
For them it is forever ever.

Аскольд   22.11.2013 17:58     Заявить о нарушении
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