Free Fall

I remember sitting at the corner of this bed
And I was staring straight ahead
As if the walls could give me answers
If they had the chance to speak
They would've spoke what I already knew
Whatever I pursue is meaningless if I don't listen to  my heart
But have you ever had a friend who's always in your life
And never does what's right
Well that's my heart
It leads me places I did not think to go
Introducing me to thoughts I did not wish to know

Like here, this room, the corner of this bed
But not a bed
More like a continent
You are the North and I'm the South
Or East and West, what does it matter
We move in opposite directions
Which begs the question, why tell the truth?
Is it morality that guides us?
Or selfish reasons of our own
Because the truth, it shatters our illusions
That we create based off the slightest touch
Perceived in hope as more than just a friendly gesture
Sometimes our hearts desire more than can handle
And when it comes to moments such as these
Do we decide to speak our truth and wait for theirs?

Just picture standing on a cliff
Faced with two directions, two decisions
One leading back to home
Back where you started from
Or you can leap
Into the warm or cold embrace of unknown waters
My heart will tell me I should jump
And I will tell you why I listen
The moment that I leave the ground I'm flying
And when I hit those waters
No matter how cold or rough they may turn out to be
I'm free
Free to move forward and forget
No longer questioning or waiting for what may never happen
And in the end
Our mind teach us about morals
But its our heart that shows us how to live

Masha 2013

Это Машино творение? о сердце?

Светлана Рябинина   16.10.2013 23:13     Заявить о нарушении
Да,её.Я Марусей очень горжусь,для её возраста очень глубокий смысл

Ангелика Ель   16.10.2013 23:23   Заявить о нарушении
она умничка, да очень глубокий смысл, я правда английский не знаю, но я перевела и поняла смысл

Светлана Рябинина   19.10.2013 00:00   Заявить о нарушении