Героям 12-го года
You, whose wide sweeping overcoats
напоминали паруса,
Were well resembling of the sails,
Чьи шпоры весело звенели
Whose spurs were playing jingle notes
и голоса, и голоса,
And voices could the spirits raise,
И чьи глаза, как бриллианты,
Whose eyes could really like the diamonds
На сердце вырезали след,
Forever carve at heart a mark,
Очаровательные франты,
You are the charming handsome dandies,
Очаровательные франты
You are the charming handsome dandies,
Минувших лет.
Of bygone luck.
Одним ожесточеньем воли
With only effort of willpower
Вы брали сердце и скалу,
You did take any heart and wall,
Цари на каждом бранном поле
Were king as well on fields of struggle
и на балу, и на балу.
As on the ball, on any ball.
Вам все вершины были малы
All tops for you were not a fastness,
И мягок самый черствый хлеб,
You could cut bread without knife,
О, молодые генералы,
Oh, the decided young commanders,
О, молодые генералы
Oh, the decided young commanders,
Своих судеб!
Of your quick life!
О как, мне кажется, могли вы
It seems to me you were so able
Рукою, полною перстней,
By hand enriched with valued rings
И кудри дев ласкать, и гривы
To fondle both the curls of maidens
своих коней, своих коней.
And of your steeds, and of your steeds.
В одной ожесточенной скачке
In unbelievable horseraces
Вы прожили свой краткий век,
You had been living your short throw,
И ваши кудри, ваши бачки,
And all your hairs around faces,
И ваши кудри, ваши бачки
And all your hairs around faces,
Засыпал снег…
Had strewn with snow…
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