Xiiixxii... .. ... . 13 month 22 days clean and sober . ... .. ... One thing I've learn in life is that Love can come in different form, or even UNIFORM, everything is done thru Love, with Love, by Love and for Love, I've had a wonderful weekend, been to Jewish Temple, been to few Churches and 521 club for AA/NA meetings, been arrested for trespassing near 521 club, been warned for trespassing at Shank's Extract, my previous job place, been to Worship Center praying and singing and worshiping my Lord Jesus Christ, been making my amends to those who wanted me to fall, but I am staying strong on God's Word, and making my Steps to Recovery One Day at a Time, even when Water Street Mission kick me of their program and when a lot of my old Russian friends brothers and sisters, and a lot of my new American friends brothers and sisters, turn their back on me, step aside and watch what I would do next and how soon I will fall, but I am not going to let all that get in the way of my sobriety and my service to the Lord Jesus Christ the way I understood Him and my service to the community of Lancaster County, the only way that I know how, by picking up trash from the ground and say my prayers for all who is still suffering from drugs or alcohol addiction inside or outside those WALLS OF GOSSIP that been dividing us THE PEOPLE from the beginning of time, Rule number One, God heal thru prayer, Gossip destroys everything that has been build, come to the prayer as you are and God Will Heal You... .. ... . Peace Love Unity Fellowship Sobriety . ... .. ...
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