Tatiana Vinogradova. The RadioAstron Saga. ТП-6-7
(редактор, верстка, дизайн - Татьяна Зоммер) http://www.stihi.ru/2013/09/16/165
на евразийском литературном портале МЕГАЛИТ (редактор Александр Петрушкин)
===== The Lone RadioAstron Saga
The Lone RadioAstron
moves in his high orbit.
Almost nobody is waiting for him on the Earth,
less than nobody remembers.
His lifespan is five years only.
But what is the meaning of life? Who cares…
The Lone RadioAstron
tries to look beyond the edge
of the accretion disk,
tries in the very last moment
to contemplate Singularity.
In vain.
Even if he sees something,
nobody will understand what it is,
except The Academician Almighty.
The Lone RadioAstron
strains every nerve (and antenna),
dodging, making his way by shifts.
He is all ears, listening to the Universum.
The Universum keeps mum.
The Lone RadioAstron
gathers his last strength,
tries to speak English with Hubble.
But their orbits are too different.
Besides, His Majesty The Hubble is not very young
and has a strong American accent.
And to tell the truth, this is the dialog
between a blind person and a deaf person. Alas.
…And The Universum still keeps silent,
The Lone RadioAstron
is looking into the muzzles of quasars and masers
and all other pulsars.
But he is frightened of poking into a wormhole,
cause it’s so unpredictable:
it can engulf you, entice you, involve you
into some parallel universe, Multiverse…
And you will find yourself to be some Nostradiar
or even worse: to be a Dewar flask,
or simply – a bottle of Dewar's.
Around The Lone RadioAstron
The Leonids and The Perseids of all kinds
are whispering some fun to each other,
while the Moon, dancing salsa,
provokes perturbations in his orbital elements.
But the space radiotelescope
tries to keep himself under control.
With none of his antenna petals trembling,
The Lone RadioAstron
soars with perfect calm,
waiting for Final Answer,
listening to the soundless rustle of space junk
and tinkling of broken stars.
Well, you know, he will hear the Answer at last.
Because The Lonesome Universum
also needs to talk to somebody
Свидетельство о публикации №113092008257
кручусь унылой поварихой
А Виноградова Татьяна
ваяет сагу на Английском:
The Lone RadioAstron Saga!
Ей внятна мова межконтинентальна
и мыслит транссозведно так,
что полетят к нам позывные
со всех Галактик и миров.
А ФУТУРИЗМ,как переводчик,
всю инфу станет рифмовать!
И новый номер "Тела П"
поэзией межзвездной
Белякова Надя 22.09.2013 11:45 Заявить о нарушении
*И новый номер "Тела П"
поэзией межзвездной
Футурсобрание 23.09.2013 17:39 Заявить о нарушении