Marc Anthony

September 16th – Marc Anthony’s birthday.

Marc Anthony - a famous singer, actor, songwriter and producer.
He is a major Latin music performer, contributor and introducer.
Initially resistant or reluctant, he’s finally given a chance or trial.
Marc’s niche became songs-ballads of tropical, Latin salsa style.

Anthony emphasizes salsa rhythms that are perfect for dancing.
He keeps evolving as a musician, artist, growing and advancing.
Marc has achieved domestic, international acclaim, popularity.
He is an engaged entertainer with affable, outgoing personality.

Having possessed a tenor voice, establishing presence on stage,
Anthony became inspired to perform music from an early age.
He has delivered high energy performances with much success.
Marc knows how to connect with audience, engage or impress.

Anthony sings on stage, acts in motion pictures and television.
His perseverance, drive helped him to fulfill his creative vision.
Called as a “reigning king of salsa,” Marc has retained his title.
Connecting with his roots, expressing passion for him is vital.

September 16th – birthday of Marc Anthony, to you - all best!
May you continue the journey with curiosity as what is next.
Wishing you happiness, love, novelty, fulfillment, inspiration!
You are appreciated by your fans, deserving standing ovation!

Copyright©2013 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet
