Перевод песни В. Бутусова, Наутилус - Моя Звезда


My star is always inside me
My bright star's flames are burning on
And star is telling me "Hold on!
Hold on a bit, just one more moment.
We are about to start...
               A lifelong journey..."

My star is singing in the night
Its flames are raging deep inside me
But fog of darkness it doesn't brighten
Its piercing beams don't bring forth warmth
It's guiding me...
...to the...
           extreme North

And it will never tell me "yes"
It will not ever count on luck
Will not gift the drops of light
And will not keep us warm at night

And this is why I love my star
And this is why I am in love
But my inner star
  (But my inner star)
     Won't love me back.

The star is gleaming inside my chest
It's making circles, it's taking risks
We are flying by
High up in the sky
And singing as we cross...
                the Polar North

And all the seals and all the whales
Soon as they see my star, they cry
It doesn't shine for anyone
It doesn't comfort anyone
It's guiding people to attain their sacred vows

And then it says "So long, goodbye...
  I am abandoning this land."
And then recites so many times
The same old story of my life
How it will fly away from me
And how forever it will leave
And this is how my star...
   (And this is how my star...)
                ... is burying me.

