Note to self 2

Ray Newlin


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Paul T Kelly DAYUM. Needed this Today.. Prob should write it on my hand.. Thx amigo, have a glory holiday.

2 hours ago via mobile · Like..

Sergei Polischouk If Jesus would listen to advice of the wise man of that time, He would have a peaceful life, wife and kids, nice house in the middle of city, and work as a carpenter at His father Josef workshop, He would probably lived way pass 33 years of age, died s...See More

about an hour ago · Like..

Ray Newlin Jesus could have choose any role he wanted Sergei Polischouk...he had the power to be or do anything. The role he choose is one of a humble servant. That alone speaks volumes to me. The altruistic ideas and "works" driven message of the 12 steps tap into the message of Jesus, at least the one I believe he would have liked to be heard..minus all the fear, politics, judgement, and opinion that exists in contemporary Christian ity. If you ever have some time, look up "The James Group" or Sam may find a lot of good stuff.

53 minutes ago via mobile · Unlike · 1..

Sergei Polischouk I couldn't agree with you more Ray, yet it not only Jesus can choose any role and had the power to be or do anything, WE ALL have that Power in His Name, WE All can choose any role, and the only reason we fail in our lifetime trials, is because we are relying on our Own Ego, thru misunderstanding how to use God's given Gifts and God's given Power, to each and everyone of us in Jesus Name, yet we want to prove that God's Word is wrong, and start putting Jesus Christ aside, and relying on Higher Power of Our Ego, and go thru Failure after Failure, I know there are schools how to develop your own Ego and how to improve Self Will Power, and all that is great and cool only to a point when we are Confronted by God Him Self and His Holly Spirit, then we start shaking like a leaves and all The Higher Power of our overblown Ego become crashed and that's when all the Pain starts and all the Thru Healing Begin, some are fortunate to be obedient to their Mother and Father since they are little and they have a lot more stable and peaceful life, ... buy WE THE ADICTS we are way to smart since we are very young to be OBIDIENT and follow SIMPLE DIRECTIONS of our parents, school teachers, preachers and so on... ... ... WE HAVE TO REBEL AND EXPERIENCE IT'S ALL ON OUR OWN... we have to taste that FRTE OF KNOWLEGE from the forbidden TREE, and all the FROOTS on that TREE is nothing but POISON...DRUGS ALCOHOL RANDOM SEX HATE ANGER GREAD SLOTH and on and on and on ... and we all know for a fact what is Right and what is Wrong, since early age, yet we just can't resist that TEMPTATION, because we are born ADDICTS and addiction is a SPIRITUAL DESIACE...that can only be THRULLY CURED BY THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST, and 12 STEPS lead us right to THE CROSS, and whole BIG BOOK is BIBLE BASED, OLD AND NEW TESTAMENT, those who wrote Big Book, did it with a great wisdom and knowledge of the BIBLE and BIBLICAL SPIRITUAL PRINCIPLES, and Jesus was at a very core of AA from the start, yet latter the core meaning of AA got corrupted by those who wants to use AA / NA fellowship for their Own Selfish Egoistic way, as it is always happed with any Organized Religion, that is why all Newcomers are fed with crap until they prove thru time and effort their commitment to the program, and ONLY THEN they are introduced to a TRUE meaning of AA, TRUE meaning of the Big Book and all the other AA related Books, but if "THEY" choose not to share 'THE TRUTH" a newcomer can be part of AA for many years, go thru countless relapses and never know why he relapses all the time and and guy next to him never relapses... .. ... . JUST MY PERSONAL OPINION. ... .. ... Sergej Polischouk... .. ... .
