Sean Connery
Sean Connery – a talented actor and producer, superhero known as James Bond.
He’s affable, determined, sharp, courageous, strong willed, enthusiastic and fond.
Sean’s been acclaimed by critics, loved and adored by audience worldwide, fans.
He has succeeded in film career, taking advantage of given opportunity or chance.
Sean – strong, charismatic, vigorous, good looking, masculine, fit with sex appeal.
He is direct, straight forward and persuasive, able to speak up his truth and reveal.
He clearly conveys life’s principles, ambitions, values, political ideas, goals, dreams.
Connery – multifaceted persona, able to say what he comprehends, thinks, means.
Transitioning from chorus extra, model to actor-superstar accomplishing much fame.
Everyone in world can recognize him, knowing each of his characters and real name.
Connery has honed his mastery, allowing characters’ variety in film career and mobility.
Sci-fi, adventure, thriller, romance, drama genres define his talent, subtlety, versatility.
August 25th – birthday of Sean Connery, we wish you, Sir Connery, harmony and bliss!
May life be filled with pleasant memories, experiences, health, happiness and peace!
Your legacy has made a mark or imprint in movie industry, to you is our appreciation.
You are a skillful driver of your fate, director of your success in current reincarnation.
Copyright©2013 Mila Alper
* Photo is from the Internet
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