Space is the place

If you need me
I'll be in Space

You can fly through eternal
Redirecting your conscious vernal
Find me
To tell me
Whatever you have to
I'll be happy to see you here
Just in case...

Every man has the right
Destination and place
 Here it is:
All that wisdom, the quantum of time
Can embrace and erase

Every expression of art
From the first glance till the last word
Wants to be as it is
Never have to pretend

Every book has its shelf
Though is roaming from time to time passing from hand to hand
Useless buried  in dust
Lucky read cover to cover
even quoted taking the authors  believes on trust
All the rest composed of questions and doubtful points
Laced by the readers crust

 It was...
Living too fast
Thinking too late
Keeping love for the ego
Blaming the fate

I am totally out

Absolution and light
Freaking out and calm
Beyond all manner of fuss
Walking naked feet
Milkyway in stardust

Only motion and changes keep you alive
It's easy-to-understand

Every stone - just a big piece of sand
Sands are running out
Pick it up!
And ask for help
And scream and shout loud
I'm glad you're staying calm
But don't be proud

You're not the first
To make conjecture
But you're the one to get there lost
Somehow, forever and the main
forever never ever known and unpredicted

It's Majesty Meanwhile

.О да, мне многого немного жаль.

It's walking all around with surprises
And appears sudden  moment unexpected
Staying tightly bonded
For a while connected
Tie  themselves together with my rocky-road
Enforce the Prana run somewhere
And splash!
And gone...
Until again another
one by one
and gaining come
And stand in front of me.

Hooray!  I have a choice !
Or damn!  And you're a bit aware of the sweetened voice
Of freedom
Calling youth to taste the decent deafening decibels of pure noise
Just listen to your inner voice
And, please, remember:
It's your choice!!

August 2013
