Leonard Bernstein

August 25th – Leonard Bernstein’s birthday.  In 2013 there is 95 years since he was born.

Leonard Bernstein – a genius composer, author, arranger, conductor.
He had been perceived as human souls’ and hearts’ healer or doctor.
His art healed and inspired people, influencing deeply and profoundly.
Bernstein conveyed self empathically, intelligently, kindly and fondly.

Film, theater, symphony, ballet, orchestra, opera embraced versatility
That Leonard Bernstein possessed along with courage and adaptability.
He was distinguished by his balletic style with much rhythm, emotion.
Leonard expressed his eclectic vision through means of music motion.

He loved to integrate genres of jazz, theater, classical, Jewish and pop.
Bernstein was persevere and ambitious to progress, evolve, not stop.
He was a devoted lecturer of music, a gifted pianist, brilliant musician.
Lenny succeeded despite any challenge of environment or condition.

Enjoying to compose, conduct, produce and teach a new generation,
Bernstein promoted theater, music, dance integration into education.
Open to new ideas, he honed his skills, expanded mastery, versatility.
In writing music, film scores, books, teaching he showed his sensitivity.

Bernstein was known for his exquisite flair, vigor, passion, productivity.
For everything he had engaged in, he manifested affection or affinity.
Lenny received his colleagues’, audience’s recognition, critical acclaim.
Fulfilling dreams and potentials, he reached his glory, triumph, fame.

August 25th – birthday of Leonard Bernstein, man of adventure, vision,
A transformational, dynamic composer, conductor, teacher, musician.
His legacy’s eternal and his devotion to global harmony, world peace.
Bernstein’s motto would have been to dare, succeed, achieving bliss!

Copyright©2013 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet
