This world

There are a pain, cold words, difficult parts
In the world, everywhere, in hearts.
Why do I walk, why do I run
Into the light world but don’t get
Happiness and love? And I’ve done
Everything to get them. I ask everyone:
Why must I only stand that?

In this world usual word
Kills if it’s cruel and cold.
It gives us only the life
If it’s gentle and heat.
If it’s light, it also gives you belief.
But the dark word can offend and deceive,
To kill us. And if it’s like knife,
It hurts only. But when we meet,
We feel we love this world, we need.

In this world love heats, it seems.
Tell me – why do our light dreams
Die forever? Why does love hurt?
Why are the feeling and word
Able to break hearts, to hurt and to kill?
If we fall, we always suffer and we’re so ill.
When we fall in love, we’re like the bird:
We’re not afraid of fall. And the third,
The tenth and the last love are inside,
Inside us. And we cannot hide
From the pain, the memories, the fall…
In this life…in this world…we all…

Maybe we never say other things right.
In the morning that’s light,
At dark-blue so beautiful night
We think about love and we dream –
We always think about it.
But why does it seem
Love is not light, it’s not heat?
We never understand it and feel –
Why is love able to kill?
But we try to understand, and we still
Believe in love that’s inside,
Deep inside us. I tried
To understand why it’s so…
Tell me – who can know
Why there are the cold words,
Cruelty, the fall and the pain,
The gloomy and heavy clouds,
The icy cold rain…………….
In the heart that is able to be cold…
Deep inside us…in this world…
