Do it


When the day comes, you decide –
To stay here forever or fight.
Maybe it seems so hard.
You should fight but it’s still your part.
And your brave heart
Will say softly to you
How to be, what to do.
It’s maybe unthinkable, so hard.
Maybe it always was impossible but

Just do it.
Do it for yourself, do it.
Do it, you can do it.
Do it once and for all.
Do it.


You can’t stand if you don’t believe,
If you just do something. You should know
There’s no sunrise without sunset on the cliff.
There’s no love without belief, there’s no
Victory without defeat.
And when you decided to do it,
You just do…
You don’t stay here, you walk to
Just do it once.

Just do it.
Do it for yourself, do it.
Do it, you can do it.
Do it once and for all.
Do it.


When the day comes, when you should fight,
You can’t, you don’t hide
From something that’s inside,
That burns and gives you belief, that’s so light.
In this day nothing can destroy the wall,
Nothing can put out the fire storm.
But nothing can stop you, you won’t fall
Because your heart is brave, it’s warm.
Do step across the abyss, do step up.
If you do that, nothing can already stop,
Nothing can stop you because you just did it.

Just do it.
Do it for yourself, do it.
Do it, you can do it.
Do it once and for all.
